The Rules are, there are No Rules

4 min readMar 31, 2022
Photo by Nati Melnychuk on Unsplash

When the drums of war pound in the United States of America, the American people head in the direction of their own drummer and march to that beat. Division is the most bizarre aspect of the United States’ contemporary identity. The source of this division can be directly linked to the propaganda people consume that is masquerading as “news.”

During the invasion of Iraq, Fox News informed Americans what the rules are for “patriots” during wartime: Never criticize the president in a time of war. Don’t point out any hypocrisy, as that is playing into the “disinformation” campaign of the very enemy we wish to thwart. And never sympathize with the enemy. The enemy is always wrong.

Just in time for World War III, Fox has updated its rules: No rules apply if the president has a (D) after his name.

I’ll break a rule by saying that is pretty damned hypocritical. I provide this disinformation as a community service — and because I’m a patriot.

For my entire lifetime, Republicans have been staunchly anti-communist. Cold warriors to their core, they took no guff from formidable adversaries. The Republicans were hawks. Hawks, by their nature, are killers.

Democrats are labelled as doves. Doves are olive branch bearing limp snowflakes. Doves are afraid of war. People die during war and doves can’t abide that. Doves are sane. Just to be consistently truthful, Democrats are not doves despite the propaganda to the contrary.

After hawks and doves come chickenhawks. Arguably, Republicans make up the vast majority of chickenhawks. I say arguably, but you never hear of chicken doves, so there you go. Argue no more.

The hawks have now gotten in touch with their dovish side. Like so many other weird things, this devolvement happened during the Trump years. He led by example. How many hawks spend two hours in the morning getting their hair teased and sprayed solidly into a comb-over coif? It had to have an effect on the hawk’s psyche. How does another hour being spray-tanned into a raccoon-eyed, golden hour color scheme fuck with that macho-man culture? The only soap gentle enough to clean a man’s face layered in orange spritzed pancake makeup is Dove. They don’t make a soap called chickenhawk.

Young Trump followers, the MAGA generation, weren’t raised when Russia was all this country thought about. Their warrior streak has been usurped by talking loudly and carrying on about the size of their stick. They have dropped their talons and adopted Trump’s philosophy of abstaining from foreign conflict. Losing the talons left them with a bad case of bone spurs and bone spurs mean it’s someone else’s war. Trump’s a good leader when it comes to sitting out a war.

The invasion of Ukraine should’ve been the catalyst to turn the MAGA generation back towards its hawkish roots. Yet, with the help of Fox News, it is holding out. That kind of wrongheadedness is almost admirable and, very, very MAGA.

Becoming the party of appeasement is a bridge too far. Supporting Putin is a development no one saw coming and Fox News is leading it with its weird stable of know-everything-know-nothing pundits. Fox News, the maker of the rules, is the breaker of the rules and is furthering its free speech rights to the ludicrous limits.

Fox is blatantly complicit in disseminating Russian disinformation. A Fox opinion mutt comparing Russia’s bombing of Ukrainian cities to a strange list of mythical edicts the Democrats are supposedly foisting on Americans is a sad testament to how low this divisive propaganda can go for ratings.

Fox’s pundits like to blame Putin’s invasion of Ukraine on the weakness of Biden. In reality, foes like Putin recognize the weakness that comes from years of partisan division due to Fox’s blathering stable of bloviating blowhards. Divide and conquer has been a mantra for military strategists since the beginning of warfare. Must be convenient to have that job done so efficiently from the inside.

If Fox’s audience ever figures out everything it has lied to them about, it will be relegated to live on the edge of the internet as the American Pravda it is. The Fox is in the chickenhawk’s henhouse shitting all over the Republican Party’s image and the party is in too deep to ever cleanse itself of the stink.

A reminder of the rules Fox pundits insisted were necessary during the Iraq war might be helpful. Truly patriotic Americans do not find this asinine commentary to be of any value whatsoever. March to your own drummer, but show a little support for your country, and your president, during the most dangerous moment in world history. If you can’t do that, shut your fucking pie hole.

And remember, if Fox hosts don’t like it here, they can always move to Russia. Take the “Deplorables” with you. America would be better off without all of you.

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

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Snomasokist ran for 17 years in Colorado newspapers. It is penned by columnist and children’s book author, Johnny Boyd.